Uncertain Times Require Certain Faith

During such uncertain times as these, we need something greater than ourselves to believe in. That takes a certain kind of faith. It also requires actually speaking up and speaking out about what is right and what is wrong. That takes a certain kind of boldness, which only comes with a strong faith. How can we attain that kind of boldness and that kind of faith? We must be willing to look beyond the view of the natural eye and see what many are not willing to see… that which we know is there because we feel it like the wind, and experience it like the very air we breathe. It cannot be contained or explained. It is nowhere, yet it is everywhere. It is The Great I Am that gives us our life and our voice. “Melinda Speaks” only exists because He has shaped and molded her for such a time as this.

Photograph By: Patrick Reliford, Jr.

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